A thread forming screw with a double-lead, consisting of a low and a high thread. The lower thread varies in height from 1/3 to 1/2 that of the high thread, which is sharper and flatter than a standard thread.
We are pleased to inform that K.E.L. Bulgaria is now part of the Böllhoff Group, headquartered in Bielefeld/Germany.
This change represents a significant milestone and we are convinced that it will bring many benefits to you!
What are now your main benefits with Böllhoff and the local Bulgarian experienced presence as a business partner?
Böllhoff as a partner of an all-round service concept with 360° joining technology:
That means, Böllhoff is your partner for 360° joining technology with assembly and logistics solutions – worldwide.
As a family-owned company we have been standing for long-term success through innovative capacity and local presence since 1877. We know the specific needs of our customers from all industries and support them in enabling successful connections.
About 3,400 employees continuously shape the future of joining technology – both at our headquarters in Bielefeld, Germany, and in our subsidiaries around the world. As a result, we achieved a total turnover of around 809 million euros in 2023.
Our wide range of products extends from standard screws (according to DIN and ISO specifications) to special fasteners and assembly systems. Numerous services around joining technology complete the portfolio. These include tests in our accredited laboratory, technical application consulting and the efficient distribution of fasteners right through to our customers’ production lines.
Böllhoff is a fourth-generation family-run business. It is currently run by Wilhelm A. Böllhoff and Michael W. Böllhoff (managing partners), Dr Cathrin Wesch-Potente, Dr Jens Bunte and Thomas Pixa.
We are pleased to inform that K.E.L. Bulgaria is now part of the Böllhoff Group, headquartered in Bielefeld/Germany.
This change represents a significant milestone and we are convinced that it will bring many benefits to you!
What are now your main benefits with Böllhoff and the local Bulgarian experienced presence as a business partner?
Böllhoff as a partner of an all-round service concept with 360° joining technology:
That means, Böllhoff is your partner for 360° joining technology with assembly and logistics solutions – worldwide.
As a family-owned company we have been standing for long-term success through innovative capacity and local presence since 1877. We know the specific needs of our customers from all industries and support them in enabling successful connections.
About 3,400 employees continuously shape the future of joining technology – both at our headquarters in Bielefeld, Germany, and in our subsidiaries around the world. As a result, we achieved a total turnover of around 809 million euros in 2023.
Our wide range of products extends from standard screws (according to DIN and ISO specifications) to special fasteners and assembly systems. Numerous services around joining technology complete the portfolio. These include tests in our accredited laboratory, technical application consulting and the efficient distribution of fasteners right through to our customers’ production lines.
Böllhoff is a fourth-generation family-run business. It is currently run by Wilhelm A. Böllhoff and Michael W. Böllhoff (managing partners), Dr Cathrin Wesch-Potente, Dr Jens Bunte and Thomas Pixa.
Имаме удоволствието да Ви информираме, че K.E.L. България вече е част от Böllhoff Group, със седалище в Билефелд/Германия.
Тази промяна е от огромно значение за нас и сме убедени, че това ще донесе много ползи за Вас!
Какво означава това за Вас?
Цялостната концепция на обслужване с 360° технология на свързване означава, че Болхоф е Ваш партньор с логистични и решения за свързване в цял свят.
Като семейна компания ние се стремим към дългосрочен успех чрез иновации и местно присъствие датиращо от 1877г. Познаваме специфичните нужди на нашите клиенти от всички индустрии и ги подкрепяме в създаването на успешни свръзки.
Около 3400 служители постоянно оформят бъдещето на технологията на съединяване – и в нашия център на управление в Билефелд Германия, и в нашите дъщерни дружества по света. Като резултат, постигнатият оборот за 2023-та година е около 809 милион евро.
Нашият широк продуктов асортимент обхваща от стандартни крепежи (по DIN и ISO стандарти) до специфични крепежни елементи и системи за съединяване. В портфолиото ни се съдържат многобройни услуги около технологията за свързване. Това включва тестове в нашите акредитирани лаборатории, консултиране в техническите приложения и ефективното разпространение на крепежни елементи до линиите на производство на нашите клиенти.
Болхоф е четвърто поколение на семейно управляван бизнес. Понастоящем е оглавяван от Вилхелм А. Болхоф и Михаел В.Болхоф, Д-р. Катрин Веш-Потент, д-р.Йенс Бунте и Помас Пикса.
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