Böllhoff is a competence leader in 360° Joining Technology. As a family-run company, we have stood for long-term success through innovative capacity and local presence since 1877. We seek to understand the needs of our customers and deliver solutions to fit their requirements. We focus on innovative, sustainable and economical solutions along our customers’ entire value chain. Over 3,300 employees are shaping the future of joining technology – both at our headquarters in Bielefeld, Germany, and at our subsidiaries around the world.
Our broad range extends from standard screws to special fasteners and assembly systems. A wide range of services related to joining technology complete our portfolio, from testing of fasteners in our accredited laboratory to application-related advice and cost-effective delivery solutions.
Böllhoff is a fourth-generation family-run business. It is currently run by Wilhelm A. Böllhoff and Michael W. Böllhoff (managing partners), as well as Dr Cathrin Wesch-Potente, Dr Jens Bunte and Thomas Pixa.
As a competence leader in 360° Joining Technology, we optimise our customers’ value chain with innovative, sustainable, and value-driven solutions.
We are passionate about creating innovative, sustainable and successful joinings for future generations.
Böllhoff is a competence leader in 360° Joining Technology. As a family-run company, we have stood for long-term success through innovative capacity and local presence since 1877. We seek to understand the needs of our customers and deliver solutions to fit their requirements. We focus on innovative, sustainable and economical solutions along our customers’ entire value chain. Over 3,300 employees are shaping the future of joining technology – both at our headquarters in Bielefeld, Germany, and at our subsidiaries around the world.
Our broad range extends from standard screws to special fasteners and assembly systems. A wide range of services related to joining technology complete our portfolio, from testing of fasteners in our accredited laboratory to application-related advice and cost-effective delivery solutions.
Böllhoff is a fourth-generation family-run business. It is currently run by Wilhelm A. Böllhoff and Michael W. Böllhoff (managing partners), as well as Dr Cathrin Wesch-Potente, Dr Jens Bunte and Thomas Pixa.
As a competence leader in 360° Joining Technology, we optimise our customers’ value chain with innovative, sustainable, and value-driven solutions.
We are passionate about creating innovative, sustainable and successful joinings for future generations.
Boellhoff е лидер в 360° свързваюа технология. Чрез капацитет за иновативност и местно присъствие, ние присъстваме от 1877 година като семеен бизнес с дългогодишен успех. Ние търсим да разберем нуждите на нашите клиенти и да им доставим решения, които са подходящи за техните изисквания. Ние се съсродоточаваме върху иновативни, устойчиви и икономични решения по пътя на цялата стойностна верига на нашите клиенти. над 3300 служителя оформят бъдещето на свързващата технология – както в нашата централа в Билефелт Германия, така и в нашите дъщерни дружества по целия свят.
Нашият широк диапазон се простира от стандартни винтове до спефифични крепежни елементи и системи за сглобяване. Широк диапазон от услуги свързани със свързващата технология, запълва нашето портфолио, от тестване на крепежи в нашите акредитирани лаборатории, до съвети свързани с апликацията и рентабилни решения за доставка.
Boellhoff е четвърто поколение семеен бизнес. В момента се оправлява от Wilhelm A. Böllhoff и Michael W. Böllhoff (управляващи съдружници), също така и Dr. Cathrin Wesch-Potente, Dr. Jens Bunte and Thomas Pixa.
Като компетентен лидер в 360° свързваща технология, ние оптимизираме клиентската полза с иновативни, устойчиви и водени от стойността решения.
Ние сме отдадени за създаването на иновативен, устойчив и успешен съюз за бъдещото поколение.